Post by dreadlord on Mar 5, 2016 14:06:17 GMT
In-Game Name: Dreadlord Gender: Male Age: 14 Nationality: Palastine What is your Timezone? (GMT): +2 Talk about yourself... (How long you've been playing SA-MP - What languages you speak - Hobbies - Etc.): Since 2years I can speak 3 languages. What is your Skype Username?: Private
Score: 200+ K/D Ratio: 4.12 How good are you at Deathmatching in your opinion(1-10)?: 9.5 How much in-game time do you have?: - How many clan wars have you played in (say 0 if none)?: 2 in other server On average, how many hours do you play [HG]CNR weekly?: 15 hours
.:Player History:.
If you left or have been kicked from a clan recently, when and why did you leave/get kicked?: I didnt join any clan/gang What clans have you been in? (none if 0): N/A How long have you been in the clan(s)?: N/A Do you have any previous in-game names and if so what are they?: N/A Have you been banned from [HG]Czcnr before? If so, what for? (n/a if never banned): N/A
.:Cold Blooded Commitments:.
Why would you like to join cB?: Because I like the members Did anyone from [cB] invite you to the clan?: (Referral): Dndperas Do you promise to follow ALL of [cB]'s rules? (Yes/No): Maybe Will you be adding a [cB] tag to your in-game name if you are accepted into the clan? (optional but increases chance of being accepted - Yes/No): Nope What can Cold Blooded expect from you?: I will teach the members how to cbug/litefoot
Post by Rye[X] on Mar 5, 2016 14:09:52 GMT
++++++1, you're the best dm'er I met, but I can kill you , team members don't know litefoot/c-bug, this is a nice chance..
Post by dndperas on Mar 5, 2016 17:26:57 GMT
+1 ~Accepted ~you will start As Dm-Tester